Foto de Tata Chama & as Inflamáveis

Tata Chama & as Inflamáveis

Tata Chama e as Inflamáveis is an independent and experimental music group from Brazil. Their collective character and plural identity allow their songs to transition between different rhythms of Latin American music, mixing synthetic and organic elements to create a universal sound that also embodies the spirit of Minas Gerais. The group began their journey in 2017 in Juiz de Fora (MG) through the gathering of artists who discovered potential in the collective creation of music, experimenting with sound possibilities and performing on the streets, bars and concert halls. In 2018 they released their first EP "Despertar" which was possible after the winning of an award in the first edition of the Virada Cultural Raul Sampaio music festival and recorded in Marataízes (ES). In 2020 after a series of changes in their lineup they released two audiovisual works: "Despertar Ao Vivo", featuring new members and a new aesthetic, and "Čao La Chama - Ao Vivo" (in partnership with the band Čao Laru). In 2022 they joined the Cantores Del Mundo label to release their first studio album "Fogo-Fátuo" made possible through the Aldir Blanc Law of Minas Gerais and financed by fans and supporters of the project through a crowdfunding campaign.


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