Foto de Pedro Ivo Frota

Pedro Ivo Frota

Pedro Ivo is a composer, pianist and arranger with five albums released: Via Canção (Tumdum 2007), Leve o Porto (Tumdum, 2011), Monolito (Biscoito Fino 2017) and Carnavalha (Cantores Del Mundo, 2021), Semovente (Cantores Del Mundo, 2023). It has already been recorded/performed by several new generation singers: Aline Paes, José Araújo, Liz Rosa, Daíra Saboia, André Muato, Karla da Silva, Luisa Sales, Luiza Borges and Martina Marana. Working in musical direction for Theater, he won the award for best soundtrack at the II amateur theater festival in São João da Barra with the northeastern musical "Árvore dos Mamulengos" (Vital Santos) directed by Simone Kalil, the musical had a great season in Clara Nunes Theater and within the UniRio university; He also worked on the plays "A volta do Prometido" by José Maria Rodrigues and "Orfeu Negro" by Vinicius de Moraes. At the end of 2012, he opened shows for actress/singer Zezé Motta during a season at Sesc in the state of Rio de Janeiro. He composed the soundtrack for the circus show at Unicirco Marcos Frota in 2014, 2015 - the show "Olhar de Criança" recorded on an album; 2016 and 2017 - great popular circus show in Brazil; 2018 and 2019 - show "Terra Oca". These productions took place at the Cidade das Artes, Imperator, Teatro Riachuelo and Teatro Oi Casa Grande theaters, in addition to the Unicirco Lona itself in Quinta da Boa Vista. He was a member of the group "Entreveros" (Thiago Thiago de Mello, Marcelo Fedrá, Renato Frazão, Diogo Sili) participating in the project "Transversais do tempo" created by Coletivo Chama, which proposed presentations followed by debates about the song Brazilian contemporary. With the album Monolito, he performed at renowned venues such as (Le) Poisson Rouge (NY), Rockwood (NY), Club Bonafide (NY) and Berklee College of Music.

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